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Since the beginning of 2023, I've been expanding my hibiscus collection with a stunning array of new varieties. My goal? To create a vibrant tapestry of blooms that will not only grace my garden but also fuel exciting cross-pollination experiments with some of my own seedlings! This gallery is your chance to be part of the adventure. As you explore these beauties hybridized and grown from around the world, imagine them thriving in your own garden, ready to add a touch of the tropics to your outdoor space. Find your perfect hibiscus match and get ready to witness the magic of nature unfold!


Keep in mind that tropical hibiscus flowers can put on a bit of a color and size show depending on several factors. These include the plant's age, temperature (both warmth and coolness), sunlight exposure, soil pH, and the fertilizer you choose.

Exploring the World of Hibiscus Cultivars

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